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Creatively Driven

Spirited ideas that move you.

Increase Your Creative Firepower

No matter who’s on your team, sometimes you just need another good idea.

Original Hipsters

A creative heart and energetic soul.

Versatility is Strength

Experience across brands, agencies and categories guarantees the solution you’re looking for.


Sometimes it’s just good to keep an open mind.

When you need to add experience, versatility, and depth to your project.

Ed Severini

First and foremost I am designer. An inspiring thinker that has spent years developing creative concepts and visual solutions for a plethora of categories and clients. My range and ability transcends all aspects of the marketing industry.

As timelines get tighter, it’s important to have resources that can get up to speed quickly and deliver effectively. My wide depth of experience at some of the nation’s top agencies allows for the delivery of strategically-sound solutions with a clear, hands-on creative approach.

When you need more

Since versatility is key, I am supported by a virtual network of partners. If you’re looking for a little more firepower, I can flex my team to fit project needs. That allows me to coordinate with people I trust so that I can support you at an increased capacity. Geared for projects big or small and innovative solutions at reasonable rates, you may have found your soul mates.

Let’s Talk

Take a look at some tasty work!

My projects range from concept and ideation to fully-executed programs. I have expertise ranging from brand development, events, promotional and shopper marketing, retail design, advertising, and packaging to many others.

Here are some ways I can help you:

A wide range of experience allows me to impact your needs at many level- and if more help is needed I can flex my team to fit.


Pitch Work and RFPs

Ready to contribute concept and design experience to your new business proposals.


Brainstorms & Ideation

Enthusiastic energy and productive, creative collaboration that will enhance your brainstorm sessions.


Concept Development

No matter the category, expect fresh, strategic and fully-integrated ideas.


Design Solutions

With strong roots in design, every solution is fresh, tasteful and effective.


Branding & Identity

Dedicated to helping you define and deliver a strong visual vocabulary for your brand.


Web & Digital

Bring your brand to life online and add vitality to your digital programs.


Print Production

Able to take projects from concept stage through production.


Contract Creative Support

If you’re looking to strengthen your creative team for the short-term or for individual projects.


Specialty Projects

When you’ve got a specialty project and you’re not sure where to turn, call me first.

I’d welcome the opportunity to add your company or brand to the list.

I love working with great people and great brands while doing great work. Over the past 20 years, here’s just a few of the clients I’ve had the opportunity to work with. Whether you are a small start-up, a Fortune 500 company, a creative agency, or anyone looking to enhance their creative needs, we’re here to impact your brand.

For a complete list of clients click here.







We’ll make a great team.

Let's Talk